- 4 February 2020

Water-DROP - 2013/2016
Countries: Italy, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan.
Project duration: December 2013- October 2016
Funding body: European Union _ ENPI CBC MED Programme
Partnerships: ENEA, Tuscany Region, ARCS, CNRS (Lebanon), PDA (Lebanon), ACPP (Spain), University of Nicosia (Cyprus), PHG (Palestine), IUCN West Asia (Jordan), Halièus.
Brief description:
Objective: To develop an integrated approach to water cycle management at Mediterranean basin level.
Given that water management is a key priority for most Mediterranean countries and that most water problems are due to poor management of water resources and inconsistency between different policies that have an impact on water, the Water-DROP Project aims to develop an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach at Mediterranean basin level for the management of related cross-sectoral issues through the application of multi-stakeholder partnerships, in particular with public and private actors.
To achieve this specific objective, the Water-DROP Project has been designed on the consideration that the main impacts to be produced concern a technical-methodological aspect, an implementation and capacity building aspect, and a regulatory aspect.
In relation to the technical-methodological aspect, the project will develop an integrated DSS-GIS approach system for water cycle management; the development on the implementation of the new approach and the new tool will be achieved, mainly, through the implementation of four pilot actions in 4 target countries (Italy, Palestinian Territories, Jordan, Lebanon). The pilot actions will develop different aspects: marine and freshwater monitoring, water treatment, water management, cost-benefit analysis. Finally, the project will deal with the regulatory aspect by elaborating, on the basis of new tools, approaches and experiences, 4 regulatory proposals on water management, leading to the progressive harmonization of the relevant legislation at Mediterranean level.