- 16 September 2022
Super We Coffee – Sustainable Production and Ethic Responsible & Women Empowered Coffee Value Chains in Lao PDR
TITLE: SuperWeCoffe - Sustainable production and Ethic responsible & Women Empowered Coffee value chains in Laos PDR
LOCATION: Lao PDR, Dakcheung district, Sekong province
PARTNERSHIP: The Partnership of the project has as Lead Applicant the organization CARE France with the Affiliated entity CARE International in Laos and Haliéus, 4Form società s.r.l and the International Cooperative Alliance Asia and Pacific Association as Co-Applciants; and with ILO International Training Center and Fairtrade Italia as Associates Partners together with the Sekong Provincial and Forestry Office and the Sekong Provincial Chamber of Commerce and Industry
DURATION: 2022 - 2025
OBJECTIVE: SuperWeCoffee project overall aims to support the development of a green, low-carbon, resource-efficient and more circular economy, and contribute to poverty reduction in Asia. The project is implemented in LAOS, in the Dakcheung district, Sekong province. The Action focuses on improving the economic profitability, efficiency and sustainability of intensified coffee production by smallholder farmers, coffee in Laos being a commodity with high potential for poverty reduction and climate change resilience of rural groups. The Action, secondly responds to the specific objective to develop and adopt less polluting and more resource-efficient and circular products, processes and services by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) allowing their integration to global greener value and supply chains. In particular, the action addresses this scope by focusing on the production side of the Laos coffee value chain, promoting the adoption of more resource-efficient processes by coffee producers and their organizations (MSMEs), increasing their resilience to climate change and integrating them in global greener value and supply chains. The Actions refers to the inhabitants of the Dakcheung villages as beneficiaries of the project including around 20,000 smallholder families making a living from selling coffee beans, and more than 300,000 people engaged in jobs linked to the coffee industry.
For more information read the details here: SuPER-WE-Coffee
Have a read to the Newsletters to discover the activities implemented: