Project title and code: INDIMEJ - Action for the economic and social inclusion of young people and women in Tunisia CUP F56J20000170008
Co-financing body: Italian Ministry of the Interior
Partnership: ARCS - Culture Solidali (Lead Partner); Haliéus; Cies Onlus, Pontes, AIFO, UTSS, IRA, ILEF
Place: Tunisia, Tataouine
Duration: 24 months (November 2020 - February 2023)
Objective: To contribute to tackling the root causes of migration by promoting socio-economic development and the creation of job opportunities for young people in the Tataouine area.
The initiative takes place in Tunisia, in the Governorates of Biserta, Nabeul, Grand Tunis and Tataouine, which are identified for their high unemployment rates as well as being among the main areas of origin and departure of migrants to the EU. In these regions, labour market conditions are critical. Since the 2011 revolution, the number of migrants to the EU has doubled (around 13,000 departures/year). For young people, these figures often result from a lack of labour-market-compatible training opportunities and difficult access to self-employment incentives, combined with a sometimes unrealistic view of migration prospects.
The project therefore aims to address the link between poverty and forms of social and economic exclusion in Tunisia, which are at the root of migration processes. In fact, the initiative aims to respond to the socio-economic needs of the vulnerable population, fostering socio-economic development, the creation of job opportunities and the transfer of professional skills and capacities.
In particular, the project will see: the realisation of training courses created for young people/women/potential migrants aimed at their insertion in the labour market, access to funding and the development of micro-entrepreneurship; the promotion of forms of socio-economic development and prevention of irregular migration with support and accompaniment activities for the start-up of micro-enterprises.
For more information, visit the website.