- 4 February 2020
Artisanal fishing and international trade in West Africa

Support to the West African artisanal fisheries chain to achieve sanitary and phytosanitary standards for access to regional and international markets - 2015/2017
Countries: Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Mauritania, Senegal
Project duration: September 2015- March 2017
Financing Body: Multilateral Programme _STDF_Standard Trade Development Facility
Partnership: UNIDO (Applicant), UNIDO Itpo, competent Ministries of the four target countries, Halièus.
Brief description:
The project aims at improving the access of artisanal fishery products to regional and international markets.
The project is the result of a long collaboration with the Ivorian government and the Italian branch of UNIDO (UNIDO Itpo). The signing in 2010 of a framework agreement between Legacoop and the Ivorian Government and the detailed agreement signed between the fisheries sector of Legacoop and the Ministry of Fisheries and Animals (MIRAH), led to the establishment of a joint working table in which the fisheries sector of Legacoop and Haliéus have provided assistance to MIRAH in the strategic planning of the sector.
From this table emerged the thematic priority of improving the sanitary and phuto-sanitary conditions of artisanl fisheries and its potential integration into international trade channels at regional level, working on the common needs of the main French-speaking West African coastal countries. This led to the elaboration of the Project, which was admitted to the financing of the Standard Trade Development Facility Fund (a multilateral fund managed by the WTO to overcome technical barriers to trade).
Haliéus collaborated with the partners in the testing and validation of training materials dedicated to: good hygienic and sanitary practices fro artisanal fishing operators, HACCP for the fishing chain, cooperative organziation of operators in the artisanal fishing chain.
The pilot action was then carried out in the port of San Pedro (Ivory Coast), in support of 5 cooperatives in the artisanal fishinf sector (Fishermen, Mareyeuses and Boxiers).