- 4 February 2020

Strengthening the dialogue between European and Turkish fisheries producer organisations 2016/2017
Country: Turkey, Rize Province.
Project duration: February 2016 and February 2017
Funding Body: European Union _IPA_ Civil Society Dialogue IV Programme (Ref. TR2011/0135.15-08/027)
Partnership: Haliéus (Applicant), Fish Producers' Organisation of Rize.
Brief description:
The project aims to improve the skills and operational capacities of Trukish Fish Producers' Organisations in production and marketing.
The Project, which is the result of previous collaborations with the area of Rize, has been developed to support the Producers' Organizations of Turkey, which were formally created a few years ago following the adoption of the relevant legislation by the Turkish authorities, but which are not yet operational due to lack of specific skills on the use of tools.
EmPOwer accompanied the Producer Organisations (POs) of Rize in writing their Production and Marketing Plan, a key document of the POs' functioning. To this end, a delegation of the PO made a study visit to Italy, in order to learn about the funcioning of the POs in Italy.