Thanks to the solidarity of Italian cooperatives, Legacoop successfully completed a fundraising campaign to support the areas of Turkey affected by the February 6, 2023 earthquake. The main goal of this initiative was to support the reconstruction and revival of the economic and social activities of local cooperatives, with particular […]
International Cooperative Alliance, the message of hope and greetings from the ICA President Ariel Guarco
The ICA President, Mr. Ariel Guarco took the occasion of the end of 2023 to remind and celebrate the cooperative model, as a construction sustained from the bottom up, rooted in each community, and connected at the international level by our common vision of the world we want to build. […]
International Day of Cooperatives
This year we celebrate the significant contribution of cooperatives to the global economy and their role in building a more sustainable future. The cooperative work and action inspired by the cooperative values and principles, helps the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals. At the occasione of the international day of […]
SuperWeCoffee: Partnerhip meet coffee producers in villages in Dak Cheung district as project beneficiaries
On 14th December in Vientiane, the CARE Laos Organisation hosted the kick-off meeting of the SuperWeCoffee project. Super We Coffee (Sustainable Production and Ethic Responsible & Women Empowerment Coffee value chains) is a project funded by the European Union through the Switch Asia programme. The Project aims to support and […]
The Italian cooperative movement tells its story to the cooperatives of Rize in Turkey
The Study Visit to Italy within the ToBeCoop project ended successfully on 13rd May. Among the positive results of the project, which will end at the end of June, are two activities of exchange of practices, knowledge and expertise between the Italian and Turkish cooperative movement. ToBeCoop project aims to […]