Position open for expert on market analysis on potential new channels for coffee producers
Haliéus is Partner of the project SupPER WE Coffee - Sustainable Production and Ethic Responsible & Women Empowered Coffee value chain in Lao PDR (Ref. ACA/2021/428-429), funded by the European Union under the SWITCH Asia Programme, alongside with a Partnership led by CARE FRANCE.
The project aims to develop and adopt a more resource-efficient, gender inclusive and climate change resilient production of coffee in Lao PDR and increase its integration in a greener global value chain. SuperWECoffee is supporting the coffee producers’ group of the Dak Cheung District in Sekong Province in LAO PDR, to increase their sustainable production and quality of coffee and increase their household income by supporting the establishment of coffee processing centers. Moreover, the coffee production of Dak Cheung District is considered to have high economic potential and the potential to promote it on an international level, to help generate income for the community and raise the quality of Lao coffee products internationally.
In this context, Haliéus needs to identify an external consultant for integrating the project staff competences to analyze the market perspectives and channels and to map the opportunities for export of the coffee producers’ groups of Dak Cheung district.
Duty Station: Specific duty station is not required, but availability to travel in Lao in the Sekong province is required.
Duration: The service should be realized from the end of January 2024 until January 2026.
The external consultant should develop a detailed market analysis to identify potential market opportunities for coffee producers’ groups of Dak Cheung District in Sekong Province in Lao. The market analysis will focus mainly on potential opportunities identified at national level, and in collaboration with FAIRTRADE Italy, the study will explore potentialities toward the International, European and/or Italian markets. The expert should develop one study to identify the new potential market opportunities adopting a value chain analysis approach able to support and include the aspiration of the coffee groups, in particular women coffee producers, and sustainability criteria.
All the details of duties and requirements for the external consutlant are defined here in the Terms of Reference
Where interested, please send a CV and a cover letter in English to: info@halieus.it by 15th January 2024.
Requests for clarification can be sent to the same address: info@halieus.it