Diversification and professional reconversion

Countries: Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and Italy

Project duration: November 2013 - November 2015

Financing Body: European Union _  ENPI CBC MED Programme

Partnership: Legapesca/ Halieus (Applicant), Regione Puglia, CIHEAM IAM Bari, Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon, Sahfil Kaizarane Fishery Cooperative, Tunisian Minsitry of Agriculture, GDP Djerba,  General Fisheries Authority of the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture (GAFRD), Union of Egyptian Fisheries Cooperatives.

Brief description:

The project aims to strengthen the professionalization of young fisheries operators and train the managers of Public Administrations and Fisheries Associations in order to support business start-ups and formulate a regulatory framework for the multifuncionality of fisheries.

The project provides intensive training for fishing operators in Italy, Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia, to create new job opportunities in the Mediterranean, by re-evaluating one of the oldest and most traditional sectors: artisanal fishing.

The project also aims to implement a requalifaction program that will involve eighty operators in the Mediterranean fisheries sector. It is estimated that through the assistance and training the various partners involved, 200 thousand workers will benefit. The raising and harmonization of the skills of the operators in the areas involved aims to improve the quality of the whole supply chain, in which one and a half milion people work. Among the activities linked to the development of artisanal fishing there are services for the revaluation of the Mediterranean coasts and for development of tourism.

"The relaunch of an important sector such as the one of artisanal fishing cannot disregard the training of operators in the sector, both at private and institutional level".